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Arc helps you hire top ASP.NET developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Ahmedabad. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Ahmedabad available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire ASP.NET developers and experts in Ahmedabad that you can trust.

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Top senior ASP.NET developers for hire in Ahmedabad

Want to expand your ASP.NET development team in Ahmedabad? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance ASP.NET developers in Ahmedabad for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Gautam P. - ASP.NET developer in Ahmedabad
Senior software engineer
5.00 / 5.0

I am innovative software engineer with 7+ years of experience. I have end to end handled medium scale and small scale application. I love learning new technologies and happy to share with people. Skills : dot net, React, AngularJs, Vue, Javascript,

chintan K. - ASP.NET developer in Ahmedabad
Full stack web developer with 8+ years of experience.
5.00 / 5.0

I am a senior web developer with expertise in crafting ***custom web development solutions and mobile applications***. I have successfully helped clients across the globe with web solutions by incorporating different technologies. My technology stack consists of: Frontend Technologies: **Javascript, jQuery, React.js, Vue.js, Angular, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap and etc...** Backend Technologies: **Node.js, PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend Framework, Express.js, SailsJS, Django.** Cross-Platform Frameworks: **React Native, Flutter, Ionic.** Database: **MongoDB, MySql, Couchbase.** Cloud technologies I have worked with - **Azure Cloud, AWS Cloud, and Servers** Project management tools I use: **JIRA and Trello** Version control tools I use: **BitBucket, CircleCI, Github, and GitLab** I provide assistance to all types of entities, including individuals, agencies, and organizations. Whether you need my assistance through a live call or a long-term project, do reach out, and we can work together accordingly. Looking forward to working with you.

Dobariya J. - ASP.NET developer in Ahmedabad
8+ years of expertise in asp.net blazor, react, node.js, SSRS
5.00 / 5.0

I am having 8+ years of experience in MS technologies. I am working as a .NET developer with Blazor, .NET core 5/3/2  with Entity Framework, Angular JS/Angular,node.js, React JS, for the last 8+ years, and I have delivered 50+ websites and projects successfully to my client. I have blazor application in my local system because all have client base applications, so I cannot share links. Working in azure and DevOps as well for the last 2+ years Third-Party integration:- 1) Zoom 2) Jitsi 3) Big marker 4) Vimeo 5) Samba live Payment Integration:- 1) PayPal 2) Authorize .NET 3) Stripe 4) Crypto Currency in Coin base Affiliate Program:- 1) Multi-level marketing 2) Tradedoubler integration Different Type of Js for  Chart 1)https://www.basicprimitives.com Technical Skills in .NET and C#: • Strong .NET Core and ASP.NET Core development skills. • 4+ years of experiance in Angular • 8+ years of progressive MS technology expertise. • 8+ years’ experience is utilizing C#. Net with ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET • 7+ years’ experience in WCF Services and Web API • 5+ years’ experience is utilizing C#. Net with Core2. • 2+ years’ experience is in Blazor. • Always following .NET and C# best practices patterns. • Previous experience with EF, EF Code First migrations, Auto Mapper, Typescript. • Web-API Development, WCF Services • Deep understanding of the .NET technical architecture and integration technologies ensures that all future enhancements or integration solutions are well planned and architected. • Experience and understanding of different .NET application design patterns. • Experience and understanding of object-oriented design, analysis, and programming. Technical Skills in SQL and Reporting : • 7+ years of experience in SSRS Report • 2+ years’ experience in MongoDB. • 1+ years of experience in Power BI • Knowledge of Azure Cloud  Server • Proficient in Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Microsoft Access Database. • Knowledge and experience with MSMQ • Expert in developing SSRS reports • Expertise in writing Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, Cursors, PL/SQL, and T-SQL Statements. • Designing and developing utilities for performing data appends (import/export); merge/purge processing using ETL Tools. • SQL Server experience writing queries, stored procedures, user-defined functions (UDFs), and developing schema (tables, views, etc.). Technical Skills in Frontend : • 4+ years of Experience in AngularJS/Angular • 2+ years of experience in Typescript • 1+ years of experience in React JS • Working With jQuery Grid Project Management tools:- • Work with Project Management Tools Trello, JIRA, IMS (Issue Management System), Asana • Working with Version Controls like SVN, Git, Bitbucket • Working with Microsoft Teams Other Technical Skills in : • Writing Unit Test • Good English communication skills. • Strong technical and analytical ability. • Ability to work independently but take direction. • Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines. • Understanding architecture of highly scalable applications. • Experience developing multi-tier applications from the front-end to the back-end. • Ability to multi-task and manage unstructured tasks within specific guidelines and time constraints. • Strong knowledge of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA).

It's Easy to Hire Top ASP.NET Developers in Ahmedabad With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top ASP.NET Developers in Ahmedabad With Arc

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