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Top senior Web developers for hire in Toronto

Want to expand your Web development team in Toronto? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Web developers in Toronto for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Paul B. - Web developer in Toronto
Senior Full-Stack WordPress Developer
5.00 / 5.0

I am fueled by a passion for new developments in technology and how the application of these can deliver an awesome user experience while effectively meeting business needs. I discovered WordPress in 2006 when asked to explore the use of collaborative tools internally for a multi- national corporation, setting up a 200+ multi-blog site using WPMU on IIS7. This included creating my first plugin, Author Avatars (https://wordpress.org/plugins/author-avatars/), which has 9,000+ active installs. From this point on, the community, the flexibility and the momentum of WordPress has made it the platform of choice for my work. Although, over the years I have developed a number of complementary skill bases, my focus is now WordPress architecture, concept design, coding for complex projects and integrating external data sources. I have made core commits in every WordPress release since 3.9 and continue to support a growing list of plugins and the wider WordPress community. (See https://profiles.wordpress.org/pbearne/#content-plugins) My skill base includes: - WordPress Admin interface customization - WordPress VIP Theme development - Plugin development and customization - Rest API (internal and external) - Custom Gutenberg blocks and themes - Multi-language (WPML) - LearnDash - WooCommerce and EDD Configuration, including multi-site - User training and support

Kumsal O. - Web developer in Toronto
Founder & CEO of Viroid Games. Godot Toronto organizer. Packt author.
5.00 / 5.0

I am a self-taught veteran web developer with more than 15 years of experience in two different countries, leading teams and projects of various sizes. After several years of preparation, I started my own game studio, [Viroid Games](http://viroidgames.com), in August 2020. I then launched a small puzzle-strategy game at the end of 2020 and am currently working on an ambitious farming simulation game. While doing all this, I’ve also authored a [game development book](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1801816026/) for Packt Publishing. My latest Udemy course [covers creating thematic UI in Godot Engine](https://www.udemy.com/course/creating-thematic-ui-in-godot-engine/?referralCode=8131172818AFEF585A74). I enjoy mentoring, which runs in the family since both of my parents are teachers. In 2019, I founded and still organize the [Godot Toronto](https://discord.gg/ZuJXnuJ) group on Discord. I like reading history (mostly medieval) and science-fiction in my spare time. Highlights: - Highly motivated and inspirational in leading and managing others. - Excellent bug solver and troubleshooter. - Extremely creative in developing workarounds. - Hard-working, well-organized, and detail-oriented.

Rukayat O. - Web developer in Toronto
Full Stack Software Developer, Professional Creative Designer, Experienced Freelancer

I am a full-stack software engineer with a big interest in building for the web. I love building delightful digital experiences. I do this by bringing well-designed mockups to life, with great accuracy and building backend solutions that help solve problems faced by businesses and also make people’s lives a little easier. Github: [https://github.com/Ruqoyah](https://github.com/Ruqoyah) LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/rukayat-dada-297448158/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rukayat-dada-297448158/)

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