Personal details

Martín M. - Remote back-end developer

Martín M.

Lead Software Engineer
Based in: 🇪🇸 Spain
Timezone: Madrid (UTC+2)


I am a freelance Lead and Senior Software Engineer who has been developing software applications for more than 9 years, following software engineering design principles, microservices, DDD and Hexagonal to help companies to solve all of their organisation needs. Mainly on Java, PHP (LAMP environment), and also a bit of NodeJS and React.

I have also combined technical Project Management skills with software engineering ones. I have been leading a technical team that had peaks of +20 engineers since May 2022 (2 years) and within the worldwide most visited sports betting site (as of early 2024): SportyBet. My commitment and proactiveness are unique and key traits from myself that can make the difference.

I am always looking for exciting, unique and challenging projects to make an impact in our world. Those that give me the opportunity to shine and continue my success path and the one from the companies I join as well.

Work Experience

Lead Software Engineer
Sporty Group | Jul 2021 - Present
Domain-Driven Design
Message Queue
Hexagonal architecture
Technical Product Management
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

SportyBet site: worldwide most visited sports betting site in SimilarWeb in early 2024

  • Joined first as Senior Software Engineer and then moved to Lead position (since May 2022).
  • Leading technical team that had peaks of +20 people and having Team Lead and Product Manager responsibilities. Following agile methodologies.
  • Development of new payment-related features of SportyBet: virtual bank accounts, crypto payments, refactoring of microservices towards better software design, DDD advocate.
  • Development technologies: inside a microservices ecosystem using Java, MySQL, Docker, Spring framework, Redis, Grafana, Prometheus among others.
  • Design approaches: DDD, Hexagonal architecture, multiple patterns and database sharding.
  • Development tools: Jira, Confluence, Slack, Rancher, AWS, Jenkins, GitHub among others.
  • Backend on-call duty 24/7 for the whole system during multiple weeks in the year.
Senior Software Engineer
Loopon by Local Measure | Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Google Web Toolkit
  • Maintenance and development of Loopon application: Java, PHP, Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
  • Other technologies and tools: Docker, PostgreSQL, Slack.


Development of a web testing tool based on Selenium WebDriver
Bachelor's Thesis Project (TFG). This project, which has been succeeded with High Honors, presents an application that, by using Selenium WebDriver, allows users to define, save and execute tests over web pages for different browsers through a graphical interface (as Selenium IDE does).


Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Bachelor's degreeInformatics Engineering - Software Engineering
Sep 2010 - Jun 2014

Certifications & Awards

5th Best Academic Record
Barcelona School of Informatics - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech | Jul 2014
Baccalaureate with Honors
IES Eugeni d'Ors at L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Generalitat de Catalunya | Jun 2010