Personal details

Hayder R. - Remote

Hayder R.

Timezone: Stockholm (UTC+2)


My expertise lies in Java, Javascript and Python.

How I can help you:

Introduction to coding
Debugging problems with code
How to think about code

** As a developer I've always wanted to understand why things occur behind the scenes. This is something I want to pass forward to others when I teach.

*** I got into this because I love the feeling of giving students/mentees that AHA-experience.

I've worked with a range of tools and framework over the years but on Codementor I focus on Javascript and Python.

===> See you in the next coding session! :)

Work Experience

Full Stack Engineer & Architect
N/A | May 2016 - Present
Software engineer. Building software in Java, Python, Spring Boot, AngularJS Modeling and domain-driven design. Also teaching introductory course in C/C++ for IoT-students Responsibilities: preparation of material, lab assistance, grading
Software Developer (Full Stack) & Team Lead
Travellink | Jul 2011 - Apr 2017
* Travellink AB is an online travel agency and represented in the nordic market. * The web application platform runs on the JVM. Java for backend and Javascript for frontend. * Required to have a broad responsibility. This includes overall site maintenance, bug fixing, integration with external providers, and development of new features for the site. * Main focus:Java, Javascript (jQuery). * Exposure and experience to Python and Ruby writing supportive tools. ** Currently I am in a Team Lead role with even more responsibility.

Personal Projects

Python trading Robot
Python 3
Python trading robot for currency