Personal details

Chris S. - Remote full-stack developer

Chris S.

Based in: đŸ‡ș🇾 United States
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


Howdy! If you work with me, you'll find that I'm patient, a good listener, and am great at tracking down annoying bugs. I used to run one of the largest Ruby on Rails shops in the world. I started as a Rails Engineer, shot up the ranks, and eventually ran the company as Partner and de-facto CEO. Before and after, I've worked as a freelance full-stack developer in a wide variety of languages. I started programming in 1997 and have been loving it ever since.

Work Experience

Ruby on Rails developer
CSELMER LLC | Jan 2016 - Present
Ruby on Rails
AWS Lambda
Rails 5
I help start-ups and established companies from all over the world build amazing Ruby on Rails web apps.
Unlikely Ventures | Jan 2012 - Jun 2015
Incubate and invest in technology companies: :: Divshot (acquired by Firebase/Google) :: Intridea (acquired by Mobomo) :: MyEnergy (acquired by Nest, acquired by Google) :: Scalr :: Socialspring (acquired by UnitedWeb)